OCTO Exit Exam Question and Answer updated set - 2

This OCTO exit exam questions and answer quiz contain questions Answer

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30. The Convention that allows States to intervene in a pollution incident at sea is the

MARPOL Convention

SOLAS Convention

CLC Convention

Intervention Convention  


1. When doing an enclosed space rescue, the person in charge must coordinate the rescue:

From inside the space

From the Bridge

From outside the space                

From the Engine Control Room


2. Lung inflammation will cause:

Breathlessness and drowsiness

Breathlessness and confusion

Breathlessness and a dry cough      

Breathlessness and slurred speech

3. The portable air operated salvage pumps used for spillage cleanup operation on tanker shall be deployed at

The aft end of each side of poop deck

The forward end of each side of main deck

The midship on each side of main deck

The aft end of each side of main deck


4. Aquatic toxicity of chemicals is categorized as

D1 and D2

Cl and C2

Bl and B2   

Al and A2


5. With reference to Marpol Annex I, the southern south African area Is

Protected area

Special control area

Special area              

Restricted area


6. The area where emissions of SOx, Nox and PM from ships are controlled is called as

Emission control area (ECA)

Special area (SA)

Special emission control area (SECA)

Pollution control area (PCA)


7. Containment and Damage Control: which step Is of highest importance for damage control?

All personnel entering a contaminated space shall enter with another individual

For each pair entering a space, a trained person with appropriate equipment will be on standby.

Actions toward controlling the immediate spread of the spill

Action steps minimizing the Impact to the ship and crew.

8. After use of portable foam extinguisher, the equipment is well flushed with water to keep

The system is clean.

Ready for re use.

The nozzles clear and prevent clogging.  

9. Water extinguishes a fire by

Heat removal or cooling               

Smothering or oxygen exclusion

Flame inhibition


10. Which part is included to the Fire Triangle to extend it to the Fire Tetrahedon:


Chain reaction  




11. Foam extinguishes a fire by

Heat removal or cooling

Smothering or oxygen exclusion  

Flame inhibition


12. What is very important to be carried out after use of deck foam system?

Stop all pumps for deck foam system.

Close all valves in the system.

Flush the system complete with sea water.  


13. Fixed dry chemical powder extinguishers are mostly used in:

Oil tankers.

Passenger vessels.

Chemical tankers.

14. During transit of a vessel if chemical fire occurs, the vessel should:

Stop and allow other ships to proceed.

Reduce vessel speed to minimum possible.

Steer clear of other vessels.


15. The electrostatic field strength which is sufficient to cause breakdown of air or petroleum gases is about

5000 Kilovolts/meter

3000 Kilovolts/meter   

3000 Volts/ meter

5000 Volts/meter


16. A crew member is unconscious and the face is flushed. You should ___

Lay the crew member down with the head and shoulders slightly raised  

Administer a liquid stimulant

Lay the crew member down with the head lower than the feet

Attempt to stand the crew member upright to restore consciousness


17. What is the range of expansion ratio for high expansion foams?

1000: 1                 

5: 1 to 15: 1

1250 liters/ min

1000 liters/ min


18. What is the least a person should do before entering machinery spaces?

Wear appropriate personal protective equipment 

Inform the bridge

Inform his superiors


19. What is the least you must do before entering a cofferdam in the engine room?

Open up the manhole and enter the cofferdam

Complete an enclosed space checklist                                 

Enter the cofferdam and simultaneously start ventilation


20. Pyrophoric oxidation occurs when loading:

Light crude oils

Sour crude oils      

Refined products

Chemical cargoes


21. TLV-STEL is the spot exposure of a chemical substance for a duration of:

S minutes

15 minutes

30 minutes

60 minutes


22. What is pour point ?

The temperature at which oil gets frozen

The lowest temperature at which petroleum oil will remain fluid  

The temperature at which oil cannot be discharged

The temperature at which oil needs to be heated


23. What is non-volatile petroleum?

Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or above 

Petroleum having a flashpoint of 60 Degrees C or below

Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or above

Petroleum having a flashpoint of 100 Degrees C or below

24. What is the lower flammable limit?

The concentration of a hydrocarbon gas in air below which there is insufficient hydrocarbon to support combustion  

The limit where there is insufficient oxygen to support combustion

The limit where there is too much oxygen to support combustion

The limit for man entry of personnel into tanks


26. What is cold work?

Carrying out work in a cold atmosphere

Work that cannot create a source of ignition          

Carrying out work on reefer containers

Work that can be done only in cold temperatures


27. The most common measure taken on tankers to avoid static discharge is:

Closed ullaging

Use of only approved PPE on deck

Bonding and grounding                  

Having continuous pipe lengths.


28. The permit towork should not last for more than

12 hours

24 hours  

36 hours

48 hours


29. What is a hot work permit?

Document used for carrying out repairs under super vision

A document issued by the person responsible permitting specific hot work to be done during a particular time interval in a defined space  

Document used for work in a dry-dock

Document valid for 7 days for carrying out tank cleaning


30. H2S gas is:

Less toxic


Toxic, corrosive and flammable  

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